Happy Birthday, Trevor D!!

Today is my darling little boy's 14th birthday. Hard to believe that many years have gone by, but I know it must be true when I have to look up at my baby. He has a good 5 inches on me. His voice is getting deeper and he's losing that baby look.

Randy is on second shift today, so he won't even get to see him today. He has tomorrow off, so we're all going out to Red Lobster to celebrate then. He'll get the rest of his gifts then.

Today, my mom, A and I took him for a nice Chinese meal. We gave him a couple presents - a Halo backpack that isn't available in the USA yet and A made him a green gym bag during her sewing class. It looks like something you'd buy in a store. She has a lot of talent. She wants to be a fashion designer, so it's an important talent to have. :)

He'll spend the rest of the night in his room, playing video games, but it's what he wants. I'm not able to really do much, so it's a good choice. Going for food and stopping to get cat food took more energy than I have. Need to rest up for tomorrow.
I'm getting nervous about the Cleveland trip. It's less than a week away. I know in my head it's going to be a good thing to have these treatments, but then I remember the neurologist saying that it's really going to hurt the first couple days and I get scared. Do I really want to put myself through more pain? SIGH! Just can't win. There's no chance I'll get better without the treatment, but is a chance worth more pain?
Labels: Happy Birthday
Happy birthday, kid !
Love our mother...
I wont play ALL night you know, well maybe..... but that's beside the point! By the way, thanks radio.
He's a handsome dude. Ours is sixteen which blows my mind. Wait until the beard starts coming in...
I will keep you in my prayers for your treatments.
Happy belated Birthday to your son.
I looked around trying to find more about why you are going to take treatments and what kind. My prayers are with you. My daughter had brain cancer and went through radiation treatments. So when I see the word treatments I think cancer. I hope everything will be all right for you whatever your problem is. God bless.....He did our daughter.
Happy Biirthday Trev! :-)
Happy Birthday Trevor!!!
"A" what a beautiful bag. You have a real talent.
Gretchen you have been through much pain already. The treatments will help. My answer is - Yes. The chance is worth the pain. Take care of yourself.
Everyone have a good time tomorrow night. Lisa
Happy Birthday, Trevor... a good Welsh name, that.
Happy Birthday Trevor, i hope you had a great time. My oldest gradson will be 14 in April.
Loved you Steeler's throw.
Happy Birthday Trevor. You share your birthday with one of my very favorite people and a very special holiday!
Sounds like a great birthday. Don't they grow up so quickly?!
Hugs to you!!!
Happy birthday Trevor, but also congrats to Mom for making it another year. I always feel like kids' birthdays should be a "birth"day for the mom too.
The prospect of more pain must be scary. I know you already know this, but it has to be said that enduring a little more pain to get this finally over with has got to be worth it. Keep the end goal in mind - eyes on the prize. You are so strong!
Happy Birthday to your son! You are a proud mom, I can tell! :)
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